Monday, August 30, 2010

Justin Bieber is most searched person on the net

July 7, 2010

Teen heart-throb beat Lady Gaga to title
Carrie-Ann Skinner
Canadian teen heart-throb Justin Bieber is most searched person on the internet, says Ask Jeeves.
The search engine revealed Bieber, who is just 16, had beaten Lady Gaga to the position and is being searched three times more than David Beckham and 29 times more than US President Barack Obama.
"The Bieber is an online sensation so it's fitting he now rules the search engine world too," said Nadia Kelly from Ask Jeeves.
The news comes just days after hackers exploited a flaw in video-sharing site YouTube which allowed them to redirect web users searching for Bieber's music videos to sites containing adult material.
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